
Braces : (Orthodontic Treatment)

The best time for an initial orthodontic consultation?

By the age of 7, when enough permanent teeth have come in, and enough jaw growth has occurred, the child’s orthodontic problems can be identified and Treatment can be planned accordingly.

Is the treatment procedure painful?

Only mild pain occurs initially, and this too can be eliminated by taking medication. Braces can cause lacerations and the tongue and lips if not careful.

Is there any need for extraction?

Extraction of teeth before orthodontic treatment is needed only in cases of severe crowding of teeth.

How long do you have to wear braces?

That depends on the severity of the case. It may last from 8 to 18 months.

What are the precautions to be taken while wearing braces?

  • Avoid hard and sticky foods.
  • Do not indulge in heavy sports activities like football, or boxing where injury could be common.
  • Spend a few extra minutes cleaning your braces with specially-made orthodontic brushes after meals.
  • We at Dr. Sethurajan’s Dental and Maxillofacial Centre give utmost importance to your comfort and appearance by minimizing the number of visits and the duration of the procedure.  We specialize in Ceramic braces and the recent advancement –  Clear Aligners with the least compromise to your appearance in your journey towards a Beautiful Smile.
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