
Implants and Geriatric Dentistry

Aging is one of the stages in life where one will come across wasting diseases. As teeth are most commonly used during speaking and eating, they undergo wear and tear. So it seems difficult for elders to clear their speech and eat hard foods. Along with compromised digestive capacity, handicapped dental health leads to diet restriction, thus contributing to reduced overall general health. So for elderly people, special care should be taken on dental health with increasing age by making them have dentist consultations and correct their masticatory efficiency by enhanced dental technology.

Implant-supported Dentures

New innovations in dental restorative techniques have revolutionary evolved to help elderly people in better chew and bite food and experience good health. One such is implant-supported dentures.

Dental implants are biocompatible inert metals simulating root form. They act like foundations for dentures. Implants are placed into the jaw bone. Dental Implants are very friendly with bones like rods placed during fracture, which allows the bone to form around them.

What is Implant-supported dentures?

Generally, the elderly who lost their teeth had been treated traditionally with removable dentures. Removable dentures are not been appreciated by most of the elders due to the high maintenance like removing them during the night times and cleaning of dentures after every meal and not able to have hard foods. Hence with all these drawbacks, dentists have come up with implant-supported dentures. Implant Supported Dentures are fixed, have High Chewing ability, and need only minimal cleaning.

Techniques in Implant supported dentures

Bone is a basic structure to be considered to place implants. Depending on the health of the bone, the technique is chosen and Dental Implants are placed into the bone to give adequate support to the prosthesis.

On the implants, either a denture or crown can be restored as per the choice of the patient. We in Dr.Sethuajan Dental Clinic had effectively placed Implant-supported dentures and restored the smile and biting capacity of one of our friendly patients who was very much happy to face people in social gatherings and enjoy her food.

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